The quantity of carbon that a business or activity emits today is referred to as its “carbon footprint,” which is frequently used as a shorthand. Since it is one competitive demand for biologically productive territory, the carbon footprint is also a significant part of the ecological footprint. If there is insufficient bio capacity set aside to absorb these pollutants, carbon emissions from burning fossil fuels build up in the atmosphere. Therefore, the tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions are stated as the amount of productive land area needed to sequester those emissions when the carbon footprint is reported as part of the overall ecological footprint. This explains how much bio capacity is required to offset the emissions caused by the use of fossil fuels. Now how does installing solar reduce your carbon footprint.

The panels that are installed on your home collect energy from the sun and convert it into usable electricity. This process does not rely on fossil fuels or other products and none of the energy is wasted because it can be stored on the grid for future use. Moreover, solar energy reduces water pollution because PV panels do not need water to operate as other manufacturing processes do. Sunlight is converted into electricity without the need for local water supplies and solar energy doesn’t pollute our waterways like fossil fuels do. By switching to solar powered energy, you can drastically reduce your household’s carbon footprint, which is the total greenhouse gas emissions caused by your home. Additional ways to support this lifestyle include driving less, eating more local and organic food, planting a garden, line drying clothes, and unplugging your devices at night.

People often ask themselves ‘Why is solar energy good?’ and, as a result, fail to realize the importance of solar technology. Solar power has evidently become the trend in renewable energy. The most well-known truth about solar energy is that it is a clean, environmentally friendly source of electricity. Solar energy is a fantastic method to cut down on your carbon footprint. Solar power does not pollute the environment in any way. Solar power produces no greenhouse gases, and it requires no more resources than clean water to operate. As a result, it is both safe and environmentally friendly.

Benefits of Solar

Solar Power Is a Free Source of Energy

We have more energy from the sun than we could ever utilise, and no one can monopolise it. Your solar power system will begin saving money as soon as it is turned on, but the benefits of solar power are most apparent over time. The longer you have your solar power system, the more you will benefit from it and the more you will be helping the environment.

Reducing our reliance on fossil fuels

Solar energy reserves are vast; if we could harness all of the sun’s energy for just one hour, we could power the entire world for a year. Solar energy is produced using free sunlight, and there is plenty of it. On the other side, fossil fuels are rapidly depleting. Lower energy prices, lower greenhouse gas emissions, and a stronger, more stable energy future might all result from reducing our reliance on these finite resources and utilizing an abundant, free source of energy, such as sunshine.

Increased Home Value

Solar panels are viewed as upgrades, like a renovated kitchen or a finished basement, so purchasing a solar energy system will likely increase your home’s value. Studies show that homeowners pay a premium for a solar home; one study by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory showed that on average, solar increased the value of a home by about $15,000. Although market factors like electricity rates and system size may impact the size of the premium, solar homes can sell for more than homes without PV.
The need for energy is constantly increasing all around the world and the reason is developing industries and technology-based systems. The energy crisis is a common issue in Pakistan as the country doesn’t have enough energy sources to meet the demand of the increasing population. Many places in Pakistan don’t have electricity while in urban areas load shedding lasts for more than 8 hours a day. Due to poor economic conditions, the country is unable to buy fuel sources on large scale. When it comes to energy sources environmental sustainability should be taken into consideration. The objectives of sustainable development require a clean green environment by using renewable energy sources.


The first solar power on-grid plant was established in Islamabad on 29th May 2012.The project initiated by the Japan International Cooperation Agency includes two photovoltaic systems with 178kilowatt capacity. These photovoltaic systems are installed at Pakistan Engineering Council and Planning Commission sites.

Ongoing Energy Conditions in Pakistan

Pakistan uses fossil fuel as energy sources that include liquid petroleum gas, oil, natural gas, and coal. Other sources are hydropower and nuclear energy. Coal-based energy counts for 4.5% of the total electricity supply. Hydropower-based electricity has a 9.2 % contribution and nuclear energy accounts for 1.1 % entire electricity supply. Oil, gas, and liquid petroleum gas have a major contribution to the total electricity supply that shares 85.2 % of all electricity sources.

Pakistan – An Ideal Country for Solar Energy Generation

The location of Pakistan makes it a favorable country for its dependence on solar energy. The summers are longer than any other season and days are shiny for most of the time in the year. Solar energy-based electricity can be provided to remote places in the country where conventional electricity is not present especially in deserts and mountainous areas. Pakistan requires plans and strategies to initiate the development of indigenous energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydropower. Solar energy can be used to produce electricity and other than that solar cookers and solar water heaters are prime examples of solar energy-based products that are widely used in the world. Shifting to renewable energy sources such as solar energy will reduce the burden on fossil fuel import as well as this is environmentally friendly technology.

Solar Energy in Pakistan

Pakistan receives about 5.3 kWh/m2/ solar irradiance per day. A target has been set by the government of Pakistan to increase renewable capacity up to 10gigawatt before 2030. The diesel will be replaced with 10% biodiesel before 2025.


The climatic conditions of Pakistan make solar energy a favorable alternative to nonrenewable energy sources that are often responsible for environmental pollution. The country is trying to utilize solar power by increasing solar energy-based power plants however the efforts are not significant. Various areas of Pakistan have solar power plants.


It is recommended that the government of Pakistan should adopt solar technology on a larger scale because it will help overcome the energy crisis in the country. Public awareness is important related to the use of solar energy and the importance of solar power panels.

The sun is a huge source of energy that has only recently been tapped into. It provides immense resources which can generate clean, non-polluting, and sustainable electricity, thus resulting in no global warming emissions. In recent years, it was discovered that solar energy can be collected and stored, to be used on a global scale with the purpose of eventually replacing the conventional sources of energy. As the world is turning its focus to cleaner power, solar energy has seen a significant rise in importance.

At the beginning of this article, it is worth answering the basic question asked by many people: are PV systems harmful to health? Well, no! There is no confirmed research showing that photovoltaic systems are a threat to human or animal health or that they have a negative effect on the environment.
The users of both home solar systems and large solar farms are afraid of the same risks. Many people wonder whether using solar panels entails the risk of fire, electrocution, or harmful electromagnetic radiation. In fact, modern photovoltaic systems are:

  • Zero-emission – their functioning does not entail high emission of toxic substances into the atmosphere.
  • Silent – PV systems do not emit excessive noise, which is why they are entirely convenient.
  • Completely safe for humans and the natural environment.

Fire risk: are photovoltaic systems safe?

Many people wonder whether a PV system on the roof increases the risk of fire. It is not true that photovoltaic panels attract lightning strikes. A building with solar modules is at the same risk of a lightning discharge as a building without a PV system on the roof.

PV systems and the risk of electrocution

One of the frequently asked questions about the impact of photovoltaic panels on health is that of potential electrocution. While it is true that the voltage in a working system may reach about 600–800 V, the system has appropriate lightning protection, short circuit protection, and overload protection, which eliminate the risk of electrocution.

What magnetic field is produced by solar cells?

An issue that bothers many people is electromagnetic radiation produced by photovoltaic modules and cells. However, the magnetic field produced by the system does not affect human health. The values of non-ionizing radiation not only comply with acceptable norms specified in the Regulation of the Minister of Environment on acceptable levels of electromagnetic fields in the environment but are also completely safe for the function of internal organs, human DNA, and overall mood.

Eco-friendliness and impact on the environment

Therefore, the answer to the question of whether photovoltaic panels are harmful to health is: no. There is no reason to be afraid of installing a home solar system. However, it is worth addressing one more issue, which is the impact of photovoltaic systems on the environment. One of the most popular myths about PV systems is their supposed negative impact on nature. In fact, photovoltaic farms and eco-friendliness can go hand in hand. The disposal of used solar panels is also eco-friendly. This process is subject to strict legal requirements, which guarantee that the disassembly, storage, and processing of used PV modules does not pose any risk to the environment.
People often ask themselves ‘Why is solar energy good?’ and, as a result, fail to realize the importance of solar technology. Solar power has evidently become the trend in renewable energy. Apart from the obvious financial benefits, there are other pertinent reasons why you should convert to using solar power instead of fossil fuels.

What other reasons should you consider when going solar? Here are six compelling reasons.

Solar Power Is Good for the Environment

The most commonly known fact about solar energy is that it represents a clean, green source of energy. Solar power is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint. There’s nothing about solar power that pollutes Mother Nature. Solar power doesn’t release any greenhouse gasses, and except for needing a source of clean water to function, it uses absolutely no other resources. Hence, it’s safe and environmentally-friendly. Solar power is self-sufficient and installing solar panels on your roof is a safe and easy path to contribute to a sustainable future. Starting in your home is a great way to show you care about the environment.

Solar Electricity Makes Your Home Go Off-the-Grid

The decrease in the cost of solar panels serves as a great example of why there should be an increase in the use of solar energy. Traditional electricity relies heavily on fossil fuels such as coal and natural gas. Not only are they bad for the environment, but they are also limited resources. This translates into a volatile market, in which energy prices alter throughout the day.
Solar electricity boosts your electricity independence! By investing in a 4kW solar system, which is the most common domestic size, you can easily protect yourself against unpredictable increases in utility prices, and enjoy cheap electricity throughout the entire day – the sun will never increase its rates and it gives you energy security.
Once you have solar panels up on your roof, you’ve technically reached an energy-independent status. Solar battery storage systems can also help store electricity for nighttime and rainy days.

Solar Power Can Use Underutilized Land

You may continue to wonder why solar power. With the increasing need of solar energy, it’s become easily accessible to most of us. Across countries, there are vast lands that are far away from big cities or capitals, and are not used for anything at all.
With solar power, we can actually make use of the land and subsequently generate great value; solar energy provides a source of power for everyone. In this way, we don’t need to use high priced land that might be better suited for other applications.
You might have heard of solar farms – panels used to harvest solar energy in large numbers. This highlights perfectly how solar power makes use of underutilized land.

Solar Power Causes Less Electricity Loss

Electricity needs to be transported from big power plants to end-consumers via extensive networks. Long distance transmissions equal power losses. Ever wondered what are solar panels used for? They’re on your roof to get energy from the sun. Rooftop solar power is helpful in increasing electricity efficiency, considering the short distance. Your energy becomes domestic and as a result you’re in control of your own bills and energy usage. Furthermore, solar power systems are durable, thus chances of service interruption are reduced.

Solar Power Creates Jobs and Economic Growth

Our national economy can be helped by solar power. The more people who opt for solar, the more needs will be for companies to install solar panels. This creates additional jobs for skilled workers, and consequently keeps the economy growing.

Solar Power Is a Free Source of Energy

The sun provides us with more energy than we could ever use, and no one can monopolies the sunlight. Your solar power system will start saving money from the moment it’s turned on; however, the advantages of solar power are best visible in the long-term. The longer you have your solar power system, the more you enjoy the benefits of solar technology and support the environment.
Aside from solar electricity, solar energy has a second application. We often associate solar energy with electricity, which is acquired through PV panels, but it’s also possible to use the energy generated by the sun for heating purposes. This process is accomplished by deploying solar thermal systems that simply convert the sunlight into heating solutions. The acceptance of solar technology is at hand and we can start by increasing our use of solar panels.
Renewable energy solutions are becoming cheaper, more reliable, and more efficient every day. Our current reliance on fossil fuels is unsustainable and harmful to the planet, which is why we have to change the way we produce and consume energy. Implementing these new energy solutions as fast as possible is essential to counter climate change, one of the biggest threats to our own survival. The report follows the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) conclusion in its World Energy Outlook 2020 that solar power is now the cheapest electricity in history. The technology is cheaper than coal and gas in most major countries, the outlook found.

Fossil Fuels: Volatile and Expensive

Oil and gas markets are unstable and particularly vulnerable to sudden changes in supply and demand. EIA figures show that over the last two decades, world crude oil prices have ranged between $20 and $140 per barrel. At times, the price swings have been violent and precipitous. Liquefied natural gas is 10x more expensive than it was a year ago. Oil prices have leaped from -$40/barrel in April 2020 to over $80/barrel in October 2021 a seven-year high. And when fossil fuel prices skyrocket, consumers are left holding the bag.

Clean Electricity: Cheap and Getting Cheaper

While fossil fuel prices swing wildly, clean energy costs are stable and declining. Solar power is now the “cheapest electricity in history,” That clean energy revolution has been years in the making; over the same period of high variability in fossil fuel prices detailed above, clean energy prices consistently fell.

Solar power's efficiency

When it comes to meeting our energy needs, it is no secret that solar energy is considered the most promising alternative to fossil fuels and coal. Not only is it abundant and renewable, in the past few decades, it has overcome many key barriers that have been prevented it from large-scale commercial adoption. The first is efficiency, which has been boosted by augmenting solar panels with everything from specialized coating to nanomaterial.