Does high electricity cost and erratic power supply prevent you from freely using electricity, the way you would wish to? What if we tell you that the power of the sun if channelized, can power up your TVs, ACs, heaters, refrigerators, computers, food processing units, and other devices without interruptions and at the same time, provide you with a great opportunity to save on your monthly electricity costs. Investing in solar energy is the future! Not only does it help you in reducing electricity costs but it also reduces your carbon footprint, your dependency on a centralized power supply, and much more.

Let us look at the benefits of adopting solar power for homes. Solar saves a lot of money! Immediately after installation, you might notice a big dip in your electricity bills.

The major advantage of having solar power at home is that you can save on monthly electricity costs. A joint study by policy and research group CEEW and power distribution company BYPL concluded that installing rooftop panels can save up to 95% of your monthly electricity bills.

Switching to solar electricity, aids in decreasing your dependence on the grid-based electricity because the solar panels directly allow you to generate electricity with the help of the sun. Reducing electricity costs will, in turn, help you in increasing your savings significantly. Thus, a solar power system ensures year-round service, efficiency, and savings.

If you have an off-grid setup, then you can completely eliminate all your electricity costs. Going Solar also grants you freedom from centralized grids as once you go solar, you automatically decrease your dependency on centralized private or government grids. In a climate of increasing demand and inconsistent supply, going independent is the safest and most sustainable bet in the long run.

Solar power provides a secure future investment. Adding a battery backup to your solar power system will provide you with additional independence. In such a case, you would now not only be generating your own power but also storing it for use when the main grid fails. This will give you total energy independence. Reliance also provides solar panels depending on the size of your house for e.g.: for a 10 Marla house we provide a solar panel of 5 Kw, 10 Kw, 15 Kw, 20 Kw depend usage of electricity usage which once again helps eliminate bills from day one and heals the Earth.  

 The government also recently announced the removal of 17% GST on Solar Panels.

So, the 2 key benefits of solar panels for your home are:

  • Electricity all year long – Solar panels produce clean, emission-free electricity to power your house all year long, and they are a long-term wise investment due to their lengthy life duration of more than 25 years.
  • Increase your property’s market value and profit from solar grants – Another benefit of solar panels is the ability to sell any extra electricity they produce. Additionally, your home’s market worth will rise.
  • Minimize your carbon footprint – A solar-powered home helps to reduce domestic harmful emissions and has a smaller carbon footprint.